$3.4 million settlement for insurance broker negligence

A business owner was sold an insurance policy which, she was told, had the coverage required. Several years later, when an accident occurred, the business owner discovered that the insurance broker sold her the wrong coverage, which left her, as well as her business at risk.

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$900,000 workers’ compensation settlement

A factory worker fell and suffered multiple injuries to his back, neck and arms. He decided to negotiate with the insurance company on his own and they offered him $200,000.00 settle the case. The injured employee decided to retain our services and we negotiated a settlement of $900,000.00.

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$600,000 medical malpractice settlement

A twenty-six year old went to the hospital to have her gallbladder removed. During the surgery the doctor improperly preformed the laparoscopy. After a few days she went into liver failure. Several attempts to save the liver failed and she underwent a total liver transplant. The settlement covered her past lost wages, future medical care, paid her medical bills and provided compensation for her pain and suffering.

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$475,000 workers’ compensation settlement

A foreman was inspecting another employee's work and fell from a scissor lift. Although he followed the safety precautions, he suffered from compound fractures, neck and back injuries. We successfully negotiated his case and the settlement took care of his lost wages, medical bills and future medical costs.

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$450,000 medical malpractice

Seventy-two year old suffered a fall in the shower which caused a subdural hematoma. She was taken to the hospital where a neurosurgeon placed in a drain. The neurosurgeon, however, failed to properly place the drain after procedure, causing a second subdural hematoma.

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$320,000 workers’ compensation settlement

Our client, a commercial truck driver, was traveling along a highway when a vehicle suddenly cut in front of him. Our client began to break just as the truck hit ice on the road. The truck slid sideways and off the highway down an embankment.

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$280,000 workers’ compensation settlement

A grocery checker/department head worked at a large grocery market for over 18 years. Over years of working on check out duty, she began to slowly develop pain and discomfort in her shoulder. She was treated for repetitive motion injuries.

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$250,000 medical malpractice settlement

Fifty-four year old suffered a fall and was taken to the hospital for an extended recovery. While under their care, he developed blood clots, which is now a permanent condition, because the hospital’s nursing staff failed to follow the doctor’s orders in implementing preventative measures.

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$185,000 workers’ compensation settlement

A delivery driver was in his truck on the way drop off packages when he was broadsided by another vehicle who ran a red light. He sustained multiple injuries to his neck, back shoulder and arms which took him out of work for several weeks while he recovered. We got him a settlement that took care of his lost wages, paid the medical bills and future medical costs.

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$140,000 workers’ compensation settlement

Our client, an administrative assistant, was injured while trying to restrain a customer in her office who became violent with another employee. She suffered from soft tissue injuries to the shoulder, neck, elbow and wrist.

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