A three-year-old child was taken to the hospital three times within a few days with flu like symptoms. After being examined by the physician’s Assistant, the child was sent home each time. The child was brought to the hospital the final time, however it was too late. The Physician’s Assistant failed to properly diagnose a heart condition.
Read MoreA utility tower technician suffered from a fall at work and injured his neck, shoulder, and knees. After recovery he began to suffer from post-traumatic stress, and was unable to make the transition back to the same line of work.
Read MoreOur client, a medical assistant, was attacked by a mentally unstable patient. She suffered neck, eye, ear and head injuries.
Read MoreA refrigerator in a large super market chain malfunctioned and was slowly leaking water on the floor. Our client was shopping for groceries when she stepped on the wet surface, slipped and fell fracturing her tail bone.
Read MoreA 55 year old woman was walking in a crosswalk when a vehicle attempting to make a right turn failed to stop, and hit her. Her rotator cuff was torn and her knee was injured.
Read MoreA nursing home failed to properly care for a 75 year old man, and as a result he suffered from multiple infections as well as debilitating bed sores.
Read MoreA construction worker was assisting with a concrete project when a large thick metal plate, used to cover a hole, fell against his leg, breaking it as well as injuring his back. He was treated and recovered.
Read MoreStore staff failed to clean a beverage spill by a fountain machine. Our client purchased a soda and was attempting to fill his cup when he stepped in the puddle, and slipped causing him to fall to the floor injuring his neck, upper back and lower back.
Read MoreOur client, a farm laborer, was being driven in a van to work when they were hit by another driver who failed to stop at a stop sign. He suffered from a broken ankle, fractured ribs and other soft tissue injuries.
Read MoreOur client was driving on a street while visiting family in the San Jose area. She came to a stop for a light when her vehicle was suddenly rear ended. The force of the collision exasperated her previous back injury.
Read MoreNursing home was negligent in their care by failing to properly and timely change an 82 year old mother, which caused her to have painful open sores.
Read MoreOur clients, two children, were riding their bicycles to their elementary school and began to cross a street. The driver of a vehicle was texting, and did not see the children in the street. The vehicle attempted to stop, but was unable to avoid hitting them. Fortunately, our clients only suffered minor
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